The Bible, Ethics, & the Possibilities of Queerness: An Interview with Karen Keen

Jamie Arpin-Ricci
5 min readJan 16, 2020
(cover by Eerdmans, October 11, 2018)

Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships — An Interview with Karen Keen

I recently had the privilege to read an advance copy of Karen Keen‘s new book, “Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships”. The book was given to me for free in exchange for an honest review. While I agreed, I was skeptical that another book on the topic would have anything new to offer, especially one that was remarkably short (160 pages). So I was pleasantly surprised when I found the book an extremely helpful and unique approach to this important topic.

(photo provided by subject & used with permission)

What stood out most to me in the book was the deep respect the author showed to those who held beliefs on both “sides” on the issue in question. While she has a clear position of her own, she is clearly committed to building bridges with fair representation and respect. And to do so as clearly and succinctly as she did will open the door to readers who might otherwise shy away from length tomes on theology & sexuality.



Jamie Arpin-Ricci

Jamie Arpin-Ricci is a bisexual author & activist with more than 25 years experience living at the intersection of faith, sexuality, and justice.